
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sally Hansen prism turquoise opal (borrowed)(pic heavy)

I was at my sisters house and she was going to paint our moms nails and I was looking through her stash and she has 3 prisms that I'm guessing she has had for a long time, I can't believe she had them! the one that caught my eye was this one turquoise opal it's beyond gorgeous, I put it on over my previous mani of the mood polish and it looks amazing! I could not stop staring at it, it changes from blue to green to purple and maybe more, I can now see what all the fuss is about, I don't know if I'm willing to pay the 30$ price tag they have on evilbay but I can definitely see why someone would, I would give my sister 20$ for it or any polish or polishes she would want out of my stash for it so sis if your reading if you ever wanna sell it let me know, but I don't blame you if you don't I wouldn't let go of this polish ever.
Sorry for so many pics I was trying to capture the many colors this polish changes too! Oh and sorry for the chipped polish on my middle finger I couldn't do a touch up, since I don't own it.

P.s I just got my nubar 2010 and had to swatch it over this mani so the last pic is nubar 2010.

Indoor lighting which actually caught the different colors better I think!


  1. wow that's very creative! Reminds me of a mood ring lol. I know I probably sound crazy.

  2. Check on Amazon, there is a great seller that sells the prisms there and on her own website. If you want to know the name, it's cassiecosmetics. : )

  3. So pretty! I love the one Prisms polish I have, it's so cool how it changes colors.

  4. this color is awesome! hope you get one someday lol.

  5. lovely color, and with flakies on it's gorgeous :-D

  6. Love it with the nubar, smart thinkin!

  7. this is gorgeous! its stunning with the flakies over it too!

    shel xx

  8. Fun layering! I'm so sad I got rid of most of my Prisms way back when.

  9. So stunning! Great combo!

  10. Wow you got lucky. This is a beautiful color


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