
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Color club electro candy crappy swatches & giveaway reminder & update

So I was obviously brain dead, when I decided when my giveaway would end I have no excuse I wanted to give myself enough time to swatch them all before I ended the giveaway since I don't have the time just sit down and swatch a whole set my daughter would just not have it, I give props to bloggers who do whole collections at one time, it took me a while to do these and they are all at diff times so I apologize for the diff looks and lengths, So here are my swatches and I'm moving the giveaway end date to my birthday september 20th! So make sure to enter! here Ok well I've talked enough, later friends, and good luck to you!

p.s i didn't capture these neons true color, sorry...

Ultra violet

Electro pop

tangerine scream

pure energy

What a shock!

Volt of light