
Friday, September 2, 2011

Jamaica me crazy+chunky holo fuchsia

I'm sad because I could not get a decent picture that I was happy with so I just have a ton of "meh" pictures so it's my conclusion that most of the the time it won't be possible to capture how beautiful the polish is in real life, so i've made my peace with it and I've accepted my mediocre pictures, so first I put Essie Jamaica me crazy, two coats formula was good no complaints dry time was decent, and then two coats of kleancolor chunky holo fuchsia, this is my first kleancolor and it does have a strong smell but nothing I can't handle for how beautiful it is, that's all I have for today my lovely friends have great Friday and hopefully an awesome weekend!

I thought for sure the sun pics would kick @$$ but sadly no...

blurry shot to see all the glittah!

This pic my nails got dented! So sad...

Last pic is Essie Jamaica me crazy alone.


  1. so pretty i love the name of the essie lol!

  2. kleancolor has such amazing polishes this one is so stunning!

    <3 BB

  3. Woah ! This mix of colors is great .

  4. love the colours.following you now.please follow back if you like my blog. :)

  5. The last pic is my fave ! You've got a cute blog, I am also addicted to nail polishes =)
    I am following you on google friend connect, I'd appreciate if you followed back ! Thanks ! Kisses

  6. I think the pictures turned out well. I have this polish so I know how beautiful it is. I love the base color you choose to pair it with.

  7. Wow I have never seen this layered over Jamaica Me Crazy!! cute!!!

  8. ohhhh I love that Essie!!
    I forgot to say that your nails look amazing!!


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