
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Now thats some blang blang!

Hi there! Boy Christmas is inching it's way closer and closer not much longer now. I like the holidays but I don't like that my job plays Christmas songs all day don't get me wrong, I like them but in moderation please! NOT for 8 hrs a day for 5 days a week and in my case 6 days a week! Shit they are gonna drive a woman loco! So anywhoser I'm done venting about it lol. So today I tried my other Nicole by opi that I picked up the other day it's from the same holiday collection and it's called glitter in my stocking, I say yes please sure do love me some glittah, I do like it more in the bottle I think I'm just not really use to wearing gold but I tell you what it's very festive! Yes? No? Tell me what you think? ok bye for now sweet lovely friends.